DNV’s Competence & Capabilities

Businesses are expected to comply and disclose their human rights performance, fulfilling their obligations with growingly complex demands and across the entire value chain. DNV is a partner with unique competence that guides businesses in this complex and evolving environment globally.

Companies are increasingly faced with complex human rights risks. The need to identify, address and manage these risks is crucial in order to uphold social license to operate, maintain corporate reputation and achieve sustainable business growth.   

As management and disclosure requirements continue to evolve around the world, companies face significant challenges managing human rights performance across entities, operations, geographic borders, and in varied cultural context.  With a switch to more stringent legislative compliance, global companies are pushed to move quickly, while concerns arise over how to follow these complex rules while managing global supply chains, many of which are still opaque.  

Getting an in-depth overview of global supply chain activity and risks, translating them into strategies, policies and actions, requires a particular competence within human rights: application of solid, structured approaches to manage risks throughout the supply chain and digital competence that can reduce complexity and increase efficiency.    

Who we are 

As an independent assurance and risk management provider, DNV operates in more than 100 countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable performance, sets industry standards, and inspires and develops solutions.  

Whether certifying a company’s management system or products, providing training, or assessing supply chains, and digital assets, we enable customers and stakeholders to make critical decisions with confidence. We are committed to support our customers to transition and realize their long-term strategic goals sustainably, collectively contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

With a pragmatic approach to managing human rights, DNV puts emphasis on supporting business needs without compromising stakeholder demands. Combining our technical and operational expertise, risk methodology and in-depth industry knowledge, we provide practical support and guidance supporting you in managing human rights risks.  

DNV contributes to development of standards and processes for managing social criteria reporting. Similarly, we engage in work addressing regulatory and voluntary measures, each with their own unique reporting requirements defined by international organizations, governments, industry initiatives, NGOs, international standards or best practices.  

Our competence and capabilities span: 

  1. The ability to support your strategy & policy development processes
    Our specialists can help you put human rights at the forefront of your company’s sustainability strategies. With comprehensive knowledge of guidelines and principles, we can guide you on how to comply with relevant legislation in respective markets.  Moreover, we can help you ensure a robust approach to plan and deploy strategies that allow you to manage risk in every link of the supply chain.   
  2. Subject matter expertise
    Decisive and successful action on human rights requires deep specialized knowledge and experience. As this can be limited within corporations, we have developed a worldwide network of professionals with specialist human rights experience to provide you with expert advice on these complex challenges. 
  3. Understanding of business needs
    With the insight and knowledge of an evolving and complex area that is human rights, we provide the competence needed to navigate requirements fitting with business needs. Managing risks before issues emerge is a sound investment that allows businesses to avoid legal and financial repercussions in the future.  Our experts stay connected to key stakeholders setting the premises to ensure that your insight is up-to date and matches your business needs. 
  4. Relationship with stakeholders
    Our experts work with you to understand the human rights red flags and social impacts affecting your business. Stakeholder expectations shape business’s policies, monitoring and disclosure. We work with you to develop and implement practical responses to these expectations. 
    To identify stakeholder demands, we leverage on our collaborations with United Nations agencies and projects (e.g. UNIDO and UN Global Compacts), international organizations like The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and different governments and standard setters. In addition, we draw on our involvement in key industry groups supporting the development of practices and standards on human rights management. 
  5. Extensive capacity in digital solutions
    Tackling the complexity of impacts of human rights risks on global supply chains and suppliers is resource demanding. Reporting requirements are becoming more detailed and complex requiring solutions that can scale up. Applying trusted digital solutions is essential to collect and manage the data in an efficient, protected, and reliable way.  Combining digital competence, solutions and human rights domain expertise, our experts can provide guidance that puts you in control.