Watermark Certification Level 1 & 2

The WaterMark Certification Scheme (WMCS) ensures a uniform national approach to plumbing product certification with industry and regulatory recognition throughout Australia.

Overview of Scheme:

WaterMark™ is a regulatory Australian national certification scheme required by the Plumbing Regulators and detailed in the Plumbing Code of Australia.  The code prescribes the procedures and requirements of the WaterMark Certification Scheme (WMCS), therefore ensuring a uniform national approach to plumbing product certification with industry and regulatory recognition throughout Australia.

WaterMark™ is a certification trademark used in relation to water supply, sewerage, plumbing and drainage goods. The WaterMark™ is applicable to products manufactured both locally and overseas. The WaterMark scheme ensures that plumbing and drainage materials and products are fit for purpose and that their use in a plumbing or drainage installation is sustainable and does not create significant risks or any likely outcome of:

Personal illness, loss, injury or death

Contamination of the water resource

Environmental degradation

Adverse impact on infrastructure

Contamination of the water supply

DNV has extensive experience in auditing products in the plumbing and water area and offers a comprehensive certification program.
WaterMark Level 1
For Higher Risk Products. Requires that products comply with AS5200.000 as specified in the PCA and are certified under a program in accordance with the principles of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 which includes:

  • Testing
  • Assessment
  • Surveillance of the quality system involved

This level of certification is commonly referred to as System 5 Certification and requires design evaluation and independent testing to determine product compliance with the relevant standard identified as applicable in the WMCS. The certification also requires an assessment and ongoing surveillance of the production processes or quality system, including inspection or testing of samples of product.

Following successful evaluation the applicant is issued with a formal licence to use the WaterMark certification logo on the products along with a formalized certificate of conformity and allocated certification number which is traceable to the product and certificate holder by way of the formalized certificate and the listing. Refer to: www.abcb.gov.au 
Typical Product groups that fall under this certification level are:

  • Hot and Cold Water – Pipes and Fittings
  • Water Heaters
  • Taps and Valves
  • Sanitary Fixtures – Water Closets  pans and cisterns, Bidet/Bidettes
  • Appliances (High Hazard)
  • Water Filters and Water Treatment Devices 


WaterMark Level 2
For Lower Risk Products Requires that products comply with AS5200.000 as specified in the PCA and are certified under a program in accordance with the principles of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 which includes testing those products samples that are assessed for conformity before a certificate of conformity.


This level of certification is commonly referred to as Type Test certification and requires design evaluation and independent testing to determine product compliance with the relevant standard identified as applicable in the WMCS. The certification does not include an assessment and ongoing surveillance of the production processes or quality system in place. The certificate would have duration of three years and may be renewed at expiry. Typical product groups that fall under this certification level are:

  • Waste Fittings
  • Sanitary and Drainage Pipes and Fittings
  • Sanitary and Drainage Valves
  • Appliances (Low/Medium Hazard) – Washing Machines
  • Sanitary Fixtures – Urinals