Technology qualification

Creating confidence in tomorrow's solution

Novel technology can reduce the costs and enable projects that might not otherwise be possible to realize. Independent technology qualification can help you build trust and confidence among stakeholders.

DNV's technology qualification services benefit suppliers who want market access; and operators, contractors and others interested in performance gains and cost savings.

DNV provides regular certification services based on our broad catalogue of standards and rules. Technology qualification is a complementary service that offers certification where pre-existing standards and rules are incomplete.

Our recommended practice 'Technology qualification' (DNV-RP-A203) was the first to provide a solution for such cases: it has gained industry-wide acceptance, and been adopted globally by oil majors and independents. We have used it to qualify more than 120 technologies, ranging from downhole safety valves to tidal energy systems.

We can help you conceive, build, integrate and operate new technologies that are financially sound, safe, reliable and environmentally-friendly. Technology qualification can help you build trust and confidence by providing a systematic risk-based assessment that documents performance and safety. It can enable certification of your new solution and getting it accepted in the market and for use.

Our cost-effective process helps you manage the technical, project schedule and commercial risks associated with qualification, working at the level appropriate to the specific challenges of the technology itself. Qualification costs are often covered by savings when other investigations are shown to be unnecessary.

As an independent company working with operators and suppliers, our broad experience and insight into failure modes and mechanisms makes us a unique partner for qualifying technology and improving its safety, reliability and performance.

What you get:

  • Enhanced opportunities for performance gains and cost reductions
  • Assurance that new solutions will work safely and perform as expected
  • Basis for acceptance by customers and authorities with complete certification provided
  • Major improvements in use of resources, avoiding uncertainty associated with working ahead of standards
  • Systematic identification of failure modes
  • Early identification of necessary design changes
  • Clarification of responsibilities between manufacturer, sub-vendors, contractors and operators
  • Efficient and timely qualification and reduced schedule risk
  • Traceable qualification documentation with faster re-qualification for new operating conditions or after modifications.