DNV International Accreditation Scheme

The DNV International Accreditation Standard (DIAS) integrates clinical and patient safety requirements with ISO 9001 Quality Management System principles.

The standard has achieved global recognition and has now been accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). The standard is designed to be effective in any healthcare system, with the scope to acknowledge local legislative requirements within the context of specific national healthcare systems.

Our supportive approach aims to be help organisations improve through sharing our experiences of what does and doesn't work, and our knowledge of best practice.

Prior to initial assessment, we provide a pre-assessment visit to review how ready you are for accreditation and to help you identify key areas to address in advance of assessment. Following a successful initial assessment, accreditation is awarded for three years, with an annual health check to make sure you stay on track and make identified improvements where necessary.

The benefits of DIAS accreditation

DIAS uses a management systems approach; working towards and achieving accreditation against DIAS is a strategic tool for identifying goals and implementing improvements at every level of your organisation, driving continual improvement.

Achieving DIAS accreditation provides assurance to your patients, the public and your stakeholders of the high standard of safety and quality of service that you provide.

Accreditation visits use multiple methods of assessment, such as interviews, document review and walk-arounds to ensure we capture a complete and thorough understanding of your organisation.